April 30, 2023

Don’t be late to your own party!

I recently had the pleasure of attending a meeting with a good friend of mine – I think we can officially call each other buddies now! It’s amazing how a simple conversation can lead to the development of a professional yet friendly relationship. This is exactly how I met Louis – our initial interaction was…

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February 25, 2023

Searching for a career path in Cybersecurity? Where to start

Not sure which career path to start with when starting cybersecurity? Well, neither did I. When I first started exploring the field of cybersecurity, I was overwhelmed by the vast number of career paths available. Offensive Security, Defensive Security, Auditing – the list goes on. It was hard to decide which path to focus on….

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January 26, 2023

What Is Cybersecurity, and how to get started.

It all started with a heart-wrenching conversation I had with a close friend while on a drive home. He shared with me the devastating news of how his mobile money account had been hacked, and the thief had made away with a significant amount of money – money that he had worked hard for. As…

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