November 24, 2021

It`s Almost 1 AM

The clock struck sharply at quarter to 1 a.m. It was pitch black with nothing but the whistling of trees and the gushing of wind, furiously creaking into the window panes and the empty space that was her sound but silent apartment. Squinting her eyes, careful not to let the sweet call of slumber fly away, she decides to switch her bedside lamp on, turning a bright luminescent shade of white light that fills her room, and leaves the roaches of the night scampering to safety.

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May 14, 2021

He`s trespasses are not mine

‘You hate him, I get it but…’
‘You hate him too, you’re just blinded by the prevalent belief that you still need him…wake up. ..You don’t.’
Well, we are almost there, for one day…I need you…I need you to forget this petulance and just be there. If not for me…then for mum’
‘Alright…fine, let’s get this over with then.’

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March 24, 2021

The walking stick

The metal door had a familiar ugly creak to it. The dull rhythmic thud that accompanied it though was unfamiliar. “Well, aren’t you going to come in?” The sadness that was enveloping her heart stuttered to a halt. “Don’t stand out there in the cold Ariel. You’ll get a warm cup of tea and the chocolate muffins you always liked.” Even after all this time, her voice and accent still had its characteristic nasality to her mother tongue. She had put on a few pounds around the middle though, and the spectacles and wooden walking stick were definitely a newer touch. She clutched it firmly as she stood on the front porch that was once filled with well tendered petunias.

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